Source : "The end of the GSA? House committee chair: We've seen only the 'tip of the iceberg'". "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren, April 17, 2012.
#Government Quotes #Bigs Quotes #Big Government Quotes
“I had teen angst for a while, but I think every teenager has the angst.”
“I take a lot of pride in being myself. I'm comfortable with who I am.”
Source : "Global struggle for women's rights spotlighted at New York meeting" by Deborah Feyerick, June 4, 2000.
Bill Shuster
U.S. Representative
Charlie Dent
U.S. Representative
Jim Gerlach
U.S. Representative
Keith Rothfus
U.S. Representative
Mike Fitzpatrick
U.S. Representative
Pat Toomey
United States Senator
Scott Perry
U.S. Representative
Tim Holden
Former U.S. Representative
Tom Marino
U.S. Representative