#Men Quotes #Erratic Quotes #Vote Quotes
“Of course I deprecate war, but if it is brought to my door the bringer will find me at home.”
“God loves broken people because broken people are all that there are.”
“Every politician should have been born an orphan and remain a bachelor.”
Source : "'Whatever the lady does is wrong'". www.theguardian.com. July 18, 2005.
“The home is a human institution. All human institutions are open to improvement.”
“I need to stop getting into situations where all my options are potentially bad.”
Source : Jack Campbell (2006). “The Lost Fleet: Dauntless”, p.40, Penguin
“You can change your spouse, your friends but never your club.”
Deng Xiaoping
Goh Chok Tong
Former Prime Minister of Singapore
Kishore Mahbubani
Lee Hsien Loong
Prime Minister of Singapore
Li Ka-shing
Mahathir Mohamad
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia
S. R. Nathan
Former President of Singapore
Tunku Abdul Rahman
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia
Najib Razak
Prime Minister of Malaysia