#Records Quotes #Paper Quotes #Able Quotes
Source : Sir Herbert Edward Read, Herbert Read (1994). “A One-man Manifesto and Other Writings for Freedom Press”, Freedom Press (CA)
Source : "Republicans: good at theatre, dreadful at governing - as we'll see tomorrow" by Michael Tomasky, www.theguardian.com. January 4, 2011.
“A man who has not suffered has nothing to tell with his paintings.”
“I don't think there is anybody bigger or smaller than Maradona.”
Celeste Holm
Film actress
Douglas Engelbart
Ivan Sutherland
Computer Scientist
J. C. R. Licklider
Robert E. Kahn
Electrical engineer
Robert Cailliau
Tim Berners-Lee
Computer Scientist
Vannevar Bush
Electrical engineer
Vinton Cerf