#Pirate Quotes #Black Quotes #Flags Quotes
“I believe in fate and I believe that things happen for a reason but I don't think that there's a high power, necessarily. I believe in karma very much though.”
“I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn't fall down.”
“A careful observation of Nature will disclose pleasantries of superb irony. She has for instance placed toads close to flowers.”
“There is, however, equally great incentive to worship and love God in the thought that, for some unfathomable reason, He wants me as His friend, and desires to be my friend, and has given His Son to die for me in order to realize this purpose. not merely that we know God, but that He knows us.”
“Hey, Ill be a pretty boy for money.”
“The purpose of poetry is to remind us / how difficult it is to remain just one person...”
“Prayer has a right to the word "ineffable." It is an hour of outpourings which words cannot express,--of that interior speech which we do not articulate, even when we employ it.”
“In the open air you don't play as many quiet songs as you would normally.”
Source : Source: pitchfork.com
Janos Kadar Political leader