Source : "Africa and the Six ‘I’s: Independence, Investment, Infrastructure, Innovation, Incubation, Inspiration" by Richard Attias, March 11, 2013.
#Issues Quotes #Matter Quotes #Belief Quotes
Source : "The Irresistible Revolution: Living As an Ordinary Radical". Book by Shane Claiborne, 2006.
Source : Gerda Lerner, Sarah Moore Grimké (1998). “The Feminist Thought of Sarah Grimké”, p.77, Oxford University Press, USA
Source : "A blueprint for environment, energy". April 15, 2012.
“I find I am most productive with at least six hours of sleep.”
Angela Merkel
Chancellor of Germany
Carla Bruni
Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Former Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment of France
Francois Hollande
President of France
Jacques Chirac
Former President of France
Jean-Marie Le Pen
French Politician
Nicolas Sarkozy
Former President of France
Omar Bongo
Gabonese Politician
Valerie Trierweiler