#Home Quotes #Trying Quotes #Pushing Quotes
Source : John Selden (1819). “Table talk: being the discourses of John Selden, esq”, p.140
Source : Interview with Ken P., www.ign.com. September 17, 2003.
“I play how I feel. I don't have a set way of playing. I get going, looking to create danger.”
“But I notice that there is a lack of darkness in my movies and I don't know where that comes from.”
Source : "Soft-centred". Interview with David Eimer, www.theguardian.com. February 23, 2001.
Source : Edwin Hutchins (1995). “Cognition in the Wild”, p.169, MIT Press
Source : "Whatever you Will" by Gareth McLean, www.theguardian.com. June 9, 2003.
Georges Bizet
Theatrical Composer
Jean Helion
Larry Rivers
Neil Welliver