Source : "Gordon Strachan: 'And people think I've got a problem with the press...'". Interview with Richard Rae, August 21, 2010.
#Football Quotes #Player Quotes #Want Quotes
Source : Henri Barbusse (2005). “The Inferno”, p.154, 1st World Publishing
“If there wasn't death, I think you couldn't go on.”
Source : In 'Observer' 9 November 1969
“It's stupid to have a simple-minded view.”
Source : "Jeremy Paxman: 'I've always felt myself to be an outsider'" by Stephen Moss, October 9, 2011.
Source : "Interview with Evan Wolfson: Marriage Equality and the Presidential Election" by David Mixner, August 17, 2007.
“Connect deeply with others. Our humanity is the one thing that we all have in common.”
Alex Ferguson
Brendan Rodgers
Football manager
George Boateng
Soccer player
Jock Stein
Football player
Martina Cole
Crime writer
Neil Lennon
Football player
Nicola Sturgeon
First Minister of Scotland
Walter Smith
Soccer player
Paul Lambert
Football manager