Source : "A politician shows real courage on guy marriage" by John Cassidy, May 14, 2012.
#Believe Quotes #Gay Quotes #Ties Quotes
“If the reason why you're doing anything creative is to make a living, then you're doing it wrong”
Source : "POLITICO Interview: Eric Cantor". Interview with Mike Allen, January 29, 2010.
“The time is right for a political solution and the way is negotiations.”
“Bravery is not strength in the face of a far lesser foe. Bravery is the exact opposite of that.”
Source : Source:
Boris Johnson
Mayor of London
George Osborne
British Politician
Gordon Brown
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Margaret Thatcher
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Nicola Sturgeon
First Minister of Scotland
Nigel Farage
British Politician
Theresa May
British Politician
Tony Blair
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Jeremy Corbyn