#Power Quotes #Faces Quotes #Management Quotes
“I can enjoy a vacation as well as the next person, as long as I know it's a vacation and not a premature retirement.”
“The people who want to be recognized as the greatest traders are probably not the greatest traders. Egos get in the way of the process. In my opinion, you never want to be the largest player in the pit.”
“Conservatives may believe that impoverished borrowers destroyed Wall Street. But we liberals will not fool ourselves that stupid bankers sank conservatism for good.”
“It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.”
“A medical man likes to make psychological observations, and sometimes in the pursuit of such studies is too easily tempted into momentous prophecy which life and death easily set at nought.”
“You are never going to have, in a country as rich as ours [the USA], that borders a country as poor as Mexico, an end to immigration. You just won't. The question is, if you make it humane and if you make it regulated. It's much better for an American worker to compete against a regulated immigrant inside labor standards, than it is to ever to compete against an illegal immigrant.”
Source : Source: www.nbcnews.com
“My father was having an affair with a 16-year-old when Mum was pregnant with me. She found out when I was three weeks old and left, not surprisingly.”
Source : "Carol Vorderman: My family values". Interview with Nick McGrath, www.theguardian.com. August 19, 2011.
“But we have reached a turning-point. We must make a decision: shall we remain a child-like people, giving little thought to our Future, till someday we find that we have none?”
Source : Arthur Moeller Van Den Bruck (2012). “Germany's Third Empire”, p.25, Arktos
Willie Brown Former Speaker of the California State Assembly