“Are you aware of the significance of every thought, of every reaction that you happen to have?”
“You never know when a helping hand will change another person's entire life.”
“Looking back over a lifetime, you see that love was the answer to everything.”
Source : "A man who won't forget Ray Bradbury" by Neil Gaiman, www.theguardian.com. June 6, 2012.
“Talent is required, but much of writing is a matter of craft, which develops with time, attention, patience and practice, like playing an instrument or learning to dance.”
“I didn't fail 1000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps.”
“I'm a hybrid-genre person, which a lot of people find confusing. I grew up listening to American country music and rock n' roll made between 1955 and 1959. The Everly Brothers and Chuck Berry were my first musical loves and are still what I am most moved by. Roy Orbison came a little bit later.”
“Some of the people who are now manipulating photos, such as Andreas Gursky, make the argument - rightly - that the 'straight' photographs of the 1940s and 50s were no such thing. Ansell Adams would slap a red filter on his lens, then spend three days burning and dodging in the dark room, making his prints. That's a manipulation. Even the photographs of Henri Cartier-Bresson, with all due respect to him, are notoriously burned and dodged.”
Source : "False witness" by Charlotte Higgins, www.theguardian.com. March 10, 2004.
“I was over self-medicating back when I was a kid and didn't know it.”
Source : "Larry Clark’s America". Interview with Owen Wilson, www.interviewmagazine.com. September 23, 2016.