#Revenge Quotes
“People should have literary and cultural taste and should not bomb hotels.”
“Each time I write, each time the authentic words break through, I am changed. The older order that I was collapses and dies. I lose control. I do not know exactly what words will appear on the page. I follow language. I follow the sound of the words, and I am surprised and transformed by what I record.”
Source : Susan Griffin (1983). “Made from this earth: an anthology of writings”, HarperCollins Publishers
“As soon as you become afraid to make a fool of yourself, you're in trouble. I decided I may as well just see if I can live with myself making millions of mistakes and learn something from it.”
“She was trying to sound tough and impatient, but she knew that vulnerable desire to be wooed was still brimming in her tone.”
“There's a misperception about actors that we actually choose the roles we end up doing - it's more that we're chosen for them.”
“A terrorist doesn't let strangers into her flat because they might be undercover police or intelligence agents, but her children bring their mates home and they run all over the place The terrorist doesn't know that one of these kids has bugged every room in her house, made copies of all her computer files and stolen her address book. The kid works for CHERUB CHERUB agents are aged between 10 and 17. They live in the real world, slipping under adult radar and getting information that sends criminals and terrorists to jail.”
“The white face of the winter day came sluggishly on, veiled in a frosty mist; and the shadowy ships in the river slowly changed to black substances; and the sun, blood-red on the eastern marshes behind dark masts and yards, seemed filled with the ruins of a forest it had set on fire.”
“It is the music which makes it what it is; it is the music which changes the place from the rear room of a saloon in back of the yards to a fairy place, a wonderland, a little comer of the high mansions of the sky.”
Jim Larranaga Basketball Coach
Mark Gottfried Basketball Coach