Source : Emanuel Celler (1953). “You Never Leave Brooklyn: The Autobiography of Emanuel Celler”
Emanuel Celler#Political Quotes #Lawlessness Quotes #Problem Quotes
Source : "Song: 'A Song Was Heard At Christmas'".
“Where do you go when you're the best in the world? What's next?”
“Nothing about human beings ever had the power to move me as a child. Black Beauty now ... !”
Birch Bayh
Former United States Senator
Dan Rostenkowski
Former United States Representative
Elizabeth Holtzman
American Politician
Everett Dirksen
Former U.S. Senator
Howard Metzenbaum
Former member of the U.S. Senate
Jacob K. Javits
Former United States Senator
Jim Leach
Former U.S. Congressman
Lord Mountbatten
Former Viceroy of India