Source : "Special guest Donnie Simpson, more on Pop Culture With Paul Farhi". Live Q&A, February 2, 2010.
#Listening Quotes #Age Quotes #Ears Quotes
“Pursue one great decisive aim with force and determination.”
“Fashion is primitive in its insistence on exhibitionism, which withers in isolation. The catwalk fashion show with its incandescent hype is its apotheosis. A ritualized gathering of connoiseurs and the spoilt at a spotlit parade of snazzy pulchritude, it is an industrialized version of the pagan festivals of renewal. At the end of each seasonal display, a priesthood is enjoined to carry news of the omens to the masses.”
“Give away everything you have learned. If for no other reason, do it selfishly; in order to get more, you must give more.”
“For the joy of ear and eye, for the heart and mind's delight, for the mystic harmony, linking sense to sound and sight; Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.”
“I think [audiences are] more aware now of the contradictions in mainstream culture, the phony piety that permeates society, the inhumane hypocrisy.”
“I'm just not arbitrarily choosing to have five guitars play one type of thing. In that way there's a definite similarity between a symphony orchestra and the 100 guitar symphony.”
Source : Source:
“There's a war going on outside no man is safe from. You can run but you can't hide forever.”
“Repentance lifts a man up. Mourning knocks at heaven's gate. Holy humility opens it.”
Chuck Brown Guitarist
Michael Baisden Radio personality