#People Quotes #Action Quotes #Argument Quotes
“Where grows?--where grows it not? If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the soil.”
“To those who are given much, much is expected.”
“American farmers, by making the commitment to grow more corn for ethanol, are at the top of the spear on the war against terrorism.”
“I have such a crush on Shirley Manson. I think she's the coolest thing.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“The absorption and organization of sunlight, the essence of life, is derived almost exclusively through plants. Since light is the driving force of every cell in our bodies, that is why we need green plants.”
“I can retain neither respect nor affection for government which has been moving from wrong to wrong in order to defend its immorality”
“As Thoreau famously sead, it doesn't matter where or how far you go - the farther commonly the worse - the important thing is how alive you are. Writing of every kind is a way to wake oneself up and keep as alive as when one has just fallen in love.”
“We neglect those things which are under our very eyes, and heedless of things within our grasp, pursue those which are afar off.”
Joan Acocella Journalist
Liza Cody Fiction writer
Paula Gosling Film writer