“Although I'm known for my long, colorful locs, I still don't take my hair too seriously. I experiment a lot, dyeing it and constantly switching styles to grab attention. My hair is one of my best accessories and changing it helps express who I am.”
Source : "Erykah Badu, Ledisi and Solange Cover ESSENCE's May Beauty Issue". Essence Interview, www.essence.com. Apil 1, 2014.
“The court has said you are entitled to robust speech on public sidewalks, even insulting speech.”
“Joy cannot be pursued. It comes from within. It is a state of being. It does not depend on circumstances, but triumphs over circumstances. It produces a gentleness of spirit and a magnetic personality.”
“One-dimensional thought is systematically promoted by the makers of politics and their purveyors of mass information. Their universe of discourse is populated by self-validating hypotheses which, incessantly and monopolistically repeated, become hyponotic definitions of dictations.”
Source : Herbert Marcuse (2013). “One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society”, p.16, Routledge
“You will be my first, will definitively be my last, perpetually my everything.”
“And what have we now in Germany? A land of bankers and car-makers. Even our great army has gone soft. Soldiers wear beards and question orders. I am not ashamed to say I believed in National Socialism. I still wear the Iron Cross with diamonds Hitler gave me. But today in all Germany you can't find a single person who voted Adolf Hitler into power... Many Germans feel guilty about the war. But they don't explain the real guilt we share — That we lost.”
Source : "The first astronaut: tiny, daring Hanna" by Ron Laytner in The Deseret News (pp. C1+, 12C), February 19, 1981.
“You don't like the girl. You don't know what color eyes she has, you don't like her.”
Source : David Benioff (2008). “City of Thieves: A Novel”, p.40, Penguin
“Lord, please give me big ears and a thoughtful mind. Teach me to ask well and see it through other’s eyes.”