“We can either allow our youth to shoot baskets or watch them continue to shoot people.”
“Unblemish'd let me live or die unknown; Oh, grant an honest fame, or grant me none!”
“I was trying to focus on Margaret's trajectory as an artist, as a woman and an artist. Hopefully Cavendish experts won't be angry at me for anything I've left out. I feel like all the major movements of her life are there.”
Source : Source: www.3ammagazine.com
“The challenge CEOs will face three to five years from now is the same one that they face today. That is engagement. It's hard to keep people engaged in what they are doing. As this generation grows up around social media like Twitter where things are 140 characters, how do you keep them engaged all hours every day at work? How do you keep them focused on the big goals you have?”
Source : "Don Yaeger on “Great Teams”: Part 1". Interview With Bob Morris, bobmorris.biz. September 28, 2016.
“The only way to engineer the future tomorrow is to have lived in it yesterday.”
Source : Bill Buxton (2010). “Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design”, p.37, Morgan Kaufmann
“I think the thing is with a movie that has this much science fiction in it; you need characters who are more science fact, if you know what I mean, than they are human.”
“When I was 12 years old, I read 'Nancy Drew' mysteries and biographies of Madame Curie and Florence Nightingale and books about girls who love horses or go to nursing school. I belonged to the Girl Scouts and got A's in school and rarely disobeyed my parents. I still kept a collection of Barbie dolls in my room, and I almost never spoke to boys.”
Source : "Coming of Age with Judy Blume". www.nytimes.com. December 3, 1978.
“We may think God wants actions of a certain kind, but God wants people of a certain kind.”