Source : "Katherine Harris Unhappy With 'Recount'". "Hannity & Colmes", June 3, 2008.
#Florida Quotes #Law Quotes #Justice Quotes
“I just try to get along with people and show the love that I would like to be shown to me.”
Source : "Martin Lawrence: He's Got Jokes". Interview with Regina R. Robertson, December 16, 2009.
“If [Donald Trump] really has an agenda to help, let him move forward with it. We'll see.”
Source : Source:
Source : Dick Cheney's speech at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C., June 23, 1998.
“You don't fall in love with a gender, you fall in love with a person.”
Al Gore
Former Vice President of the United States
David Boies
George W. Bush
43rd U.S. President
Greg Palast
James Baker
Former White House Chief of Staff
Jeb Bush
Former Governor of Florida
Joe Lieberman
Former United States Senator
Laura Dern
Warren Christopher
Former United States Deputy Secretary of State