“There's nothing more interesting than the landscape of the human face.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“I just can't tell you what fun I've had being a member of the world's second oldest profession.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“I write to escape ... to escape poverty.”
“The man that gets drunk is little else than a fool, And is in the habit, no doubt, of advocating for Home Rule; But the best Home Rule for him, as far as I can understand, Is the abolition of strong drink from the land.”
Source : William Topaz McGonagall, “The Demon Drink”
“It is sexual energy which governs the structure of human feeling and thinking.”
Source : Wilhelm Reich (1969). “The sexual revolution: toward a self-governing character structure”
“At least half the country thinks the mascot issue is insignificant. But I think it's indicative of the ways in which Indians have no cultural power. We're still placed in the past. So we're either in the past or we're only viewed through casinos. I know a lot more about being white than you know about being Indian.”
Source : "Sherman Alexie on Living Outside Cultural Borders". "Moyers & Company" with Bill Moyers, billmoyers.com. April 12, 2013.
“As the War Office of the United States was established in a time of peace, it is equally reasonable that a Peace Office should be established in a time of War.”
“We're all alive. We're all healthy. These are the good times.”
Source : Susan Beth Pfeffer (2015). “The Life As We Knew It Collection”, p.226, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt