#Black Quotes #Pieces Quotes #Opponents Quotes
“War is part of what I do, it's not what I do. It's certainly not what I am and who I am.”
Source : Jeffery Deaver (1997). “The Bone Collector”, Viking Press
“People throw stones at you and you convert them into milestones.”
“A strong desire derives a person straight through the hardest rock.”
Source : Donald Davidson (2001). “Essays on Actions and Events: Philosophical Essays”, p.207, Oxford University Press
Alexander Alekhine
Chess Player
Aron Nimzowitsch
Chess master
Emanuel Lasker
Chess Player
Jose Raul Capablanca
Chess Player
Richard Reti
Chess Player
Rudolf Spielmann
Chess Player
Savielly Tartakower
Siegbert Tarrasch
Chess Player