“As long as you're in an environment where the worth of the project isn't based on the project but what its predecessors did, it's not truly inclusive.”
“There are things that drift away like our endless, numbered days”
Source : Song: Passing Afternoon, Album: Our Endless Numbered Days, 2004
“Writing is hard work and bad for the health.”
“Colombia is in a risky position. They've got a peace process that's going nowhere, and a drug production problem that's skyrocketing.”
“We shouldn't be fearful of freedom, we shouldn't be fearful of individual liberty.”
“There are two ways of being creative. One can sing and dance. Or one can create an environment in which singers and dancers flourish.”
Source : Warren G. Bennis, Patricia Ward Biederman (1997). “Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration”, p.77, Basic Books
“I was to be buried inside my own creation, the better to keep its secrets. I will not tell you more, for your sake. But if you ask, I will answer.”
Source : Jedediah Berry (2009). “The Manual of Detection: A Novel”, p.120, Penguin
“The eyes get in the way of the mind.”