Karen Finerman
"When I was 15 years old I read an article about Ivan Boesky, the well-known takeover trader - turned out years later it was all on inside information! But before that came to light he was very successful, very flamboyant. And I thought, "This is what I want to do". So I'm 15 years old, I decide I'm going to Wall Street." --
Source : "She's worth $100m, runs a $400m hedge fund, has two sets of twins and four nannies". Interview with Marianne MacDonald, www.theguardian.com. September 9, 2007.
Karen Finerman
#Wall Quotes
#Successful Quotes
#Light Quotes
“Gaza has 1.2 million Palestinians living in crowded places and the resistance will be strong.”
“I'm torn about late parenting. I believe people should spend their twenties living and having fun and not having any regrets later. I also think people in their thirties generally make better parents but so many of my friends are having trouble - myself included - as fathers get older.”
Source : "What I know about women". Interview with Liz Hoggard, www.theguardian.com. April 14, 2007.
“Whenever I get happy, I always have a terrible feeling.”
Source : "The Cinema of Roman Polanski: Dark Spaces of the World". Book by John Orr and Elżbieta Ostrowska, 2006.
“Everything I read about me is what I say. The way I've come across is exactly who I am. So far, they haven't skewed it to be one way or another too much.”
“I have been blessed to win a number of awards and be involved in numerous historical baseball moments over my 20-year career with the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres.”
“Let us wage a moral and political war against war itself, so that we can cut military spending and use that money for human needs.”
“Nobody else in the world has a form like the Native American musical, and Americans should be very proud.”
“Prayer is not asking for what you think you want, but asking to be changed in ways you can't imagine.”
Source : Kathleen Norris (1999). “Amazing Grace”, p.60, Penguin