Source : "Liz Cheney: We Must Unify Behind Trump". "The Rush Limbaugh Show", August 12, 2016.
#Strong Quotes #Military Quotes #Thinking Quotes
“I did not know that Ramos would prefer to send his ball up to the heavens.”
“Without naming names, I think other movies look more realistic but they feel less real.”
Source : Interview with Andy Patrizio, March 9, 2005.
Source : Source:
“I enjoy just being around my family and my loved ones. It's just the simple things.”
“I would rather have a square inch of New York than all the rest of the world.”
Alan K. Simpson
American Politician
Dick Cheney
Former Vice President of the United States
Donald Rumsfeld
Former U.S. Secretary of Defense
Juan Williams
Lynne Cheney
Megyn Kelly
Television host
Michael Enzi
United States Senator
William Kristol