#Opportunity Quotes #Focus Quotes #Understanding Quotes
“I plead guilty to that when I was young pastor. In one of my churches I changed so much, one old wag said I'd changed everything in the church except the signs on the bathroom doors! I could have used a little more wisdom. And common sense.”
Source : Source: sbctoday.com
“Just call me a family man and an actor who digs his whole scene, side interests and all. Just say I feel mighty good at the ripe old age of 27.”
“Here is a fact: nothing in all civilization has been as productive as ludicrous ambition. Whatever its ills, nothing has created more. Cathedrals, sonatas, encyclopedias: love of God was not behind them, nor love of life. But the love of man to be worshiped by man.”
“It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.”
“I've been on a lot of shows that nobody cared about.”
“Self-Checkout Line The place where customers of an establishment become unpaid employees of the establishment.”
“I think it's really terrifying that a country based on the foundations and ideals of God, is now systematically removing God from everything. Everything!”
“Anything under the sun is beautiful if you have the vision it is the seeing of the thing that makes it so.”
Bradley Henderson Athlete who plays basketball
Bruce Henderson Consultant
Douglas Conant