#Technology Quotes #People Quotes #Trying Quotes
“Always question your fear, Anh. there's almost never a good reason to be scared.”
Source : Anh Do (2011). “The Happiest Refugee: The Extraordinary True Story of a Boy's Journey from Starvation at Sea to Becoming One of Australia's Best-loved Comedians”, p.52, ReadHowYouWant.com
“There's no place like home. And there's no toilet like your own.”
“The moment of recognizing your own lack of talent is a flash of genius.”
Source : "Unkempt Thoughts" as translated by Jacek Galazka, 1962.
“A lot of people meet me and they're like, 'Why aren't you crazy?'”
Andy Hertzfeld
Computer Scientist
Butler Lampson
Computer Scientist
Charles Simonyi
Gary Kildall
Computer Scientist
Ivan Sutherland
Computer Scientist
Michael Moore
Robert Noyce
Business person