#All Time Quotes #Seeking God Quotes
“If we want to kill Obamacare and we want to end socialized medicine, it must be done in the next election!”
“It is through the healing Atonement of Jesus Christ that we may have the strength to stand tall and strong and to have our souls be filled—with light, understanding, joy, and love. His invitation is extended to “all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him.”
“We cannot understand our humanity just by studying individuals.”
“I wanted to get in the ring and be like Muhammad Ali.”
“Hardly anyone still reads nowadays. People make use of the writer only in order to work off their own excess energy on him in a perverse manner, in the form of agreement or disagreement.”
“I dont have aluminum foil on my windows anymore.”
“Everybody has a different definition of the good side.”
“The idea of interdependence is central to Buddhism, which holds that all things come into being through the mutual interactions of various causes and conditions.”
Anandamayi Ma Saint
Daya Mata
Goswami Kriyananda Author
Haidakhan Babaji
Mahavatar Babaji
Paramahansa Yogananda Guru
Ramana Maharshi
Sivananda Author
Sri Yukteswar Giri