#Gun Quotes #Hunting Quotes #Self Quotes
“We have people who are healers and those who posses a certain animal magnetism.”
“Ease my suffering. Make me the happiest, most tortured man in the world. Marry me?”
Source : Nicole Williams (2012). “Clash”, p.156, Simon and Schuster
Source : John C. Maxwell (2010). “Maxwell 2in1 (Developing the Leader w/in You/Developing Leaders Around You)”, p.103, Harper Collins
Diana DeGette
U.S. Representative
Jared Polis
United States Representative
John Hickenlooper
Governor of Colorado
Kay Hagan
Former United States Senator
Michael Bennet
United States Senator
Mo Udall
Former U.S. Representative
Ron Wyden
United States Senator
Stewart Udall
American Politician
Tom Udall
United States Senator