“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do.”
Source : Dale Carnegie (2016). “How to win friends & influence people”, p.21, Diamond Pocket Books Pvt Ltd
“A man becomes a Christian, he is not born one.”
“Music changes. Nothing stays the same. You just gotta be able to roll with the punches. When the music changes, it's not that you gotta change too - it's that you gotta be able to maintain and hold your ground.”
Source : Source: brightestyoungthings.com
“The sea is the sweat of the earth.”
Source : Empedocles (1992). “The Poem of Empedocles: A Text and Translation with an Introduction”
“I am always humbled by the infite ingenuity of the Lord, who can make a red barn cast a blue shadow.”
“There are people who can achieve huge success in life, while adding a bit of fun and a splash of colour to this increasingly grey world.”
“Movies, obviously, are a little more lucrative. The initial paycheck is better.”
Source : Interview with Chris Carle, www.ign.com. July 18, 2006.
“A technology becomes truly disruptive when it drives the marginal cost of something that used to be scarce and expensive to approach zero. Thus, it used to be to deploy software at scale, you had to fund a data center, buy a set of servers, storage, and networking gear, build an in-house IT management capability, and buy an expensive stack of enabling software before you could even get started. Now you can get all that from Amazon or Microsoft on a pay-as-you-grow model.”
Source : Source: bobmorris.biz