“What I enjoyed about being in the world of Jessica Jones, as Luke Cage, is that I wasn't front and center because it was Jessica Jones' story, but it allowed me to find the character from a different perspective.”
“As a flower that is lovely and beautiful, but is scentless, even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who practices it not.”
“Expand the mind, seek and you shall find.”
Source : Song: Tai Chi
“Music is very personal. It is not objective. We're not talking about how tight they were. How famous they are. How rich they are. For me it's like food. You taste it, and you either love it, or you think it's boring, or it tastes bad, which is three reactions I have with music, just like food, it's very personal.”
Source : Source: www.indieberlin.de
“Always it is thus with my new students, and especially with the human ones; the mind is the last muscle they train or use, and the one that they regard the least. Ask them about swordplay and they can list every blow from a duel a month old, but ask them to solve a problem or make a coherent statement and... well, I would be lucky to get more than a blank stare in return.”
“If you build - if you spend billions of taxpayer dollars to build a wall over, let's say, a mountain, if you build a 10-foot wall over a 10,000-foot mountain, and someone is determined to climb the 10,000-foot mountain, they're not going to be deterred by the 10-foot wall. It's a matter of common sense.”
Source : Source: www.politico.com
“I eventually shifted to video. Video opened up new conditions, or freed me from old conditions.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“We are way more powerful when we turn to each other and not on each other, when we celebrate our diversity, focus on our commonality, and together tear down the mighty walls of injustice.”