#Lessons Quotes #Determined Quotes #Christ Quotes
“A birthday:-and now a day that rose With much of hope, with meaning rife- A thoughtful day from dawn to close: The middle day of human life.”
“When I was twelve, I started reading Eudora Welty, Thomas Wolfe, Flannery O'Connor, James Agee, and - do we dare breathe the name - William Faulkner.”
“Art is animated by invisible forces that rule the universe.”
“I always thought I wrote good bridges. I was a bit more impressed with the bridges I wrote than maybe the songs I wrote.”
Source : Source: www.avclub.com
“the more naps you take, the more awakenings you experience.”
“The eyes are hammers.”
“I like the idea of paradox, between the authentic fabrics and sophisticated shapes and between masculine and feminine. I'm not so much for sportswear. I think it's over.”
“I haven't bought any leather articles for a very long time. My ideal is to be able to avoid all animal products, in food as well as clothing.”
Frank Griswold
Gene Robinson Canon
Katharine Jefferts Schori
Rowan Williams Poet