“But having considered everything which has been said, one could by this believe that the earth and not the heavens is so moved, and there is no evidence to the contrary. Nevertheless, this seems prima facie as much, or more, against natural reason as are all or several articles of our faith. Thus, that which I have said by way of diversion (esbatement) in this manner can be valuable to refute and check those who would impugn our faith by argument.”
“The surviving intelligent life form on Earth is not going to be carbon-based; it's going to be silicon-based.”
“There is no single way to train, or do anything well. You have to keep thinking, keep doing things.”
Source : "With Alexander Dale Oen's sudden death, Norway lost a hero" by Andy Bull, www.theguardian.com. June 02, 2012.
“We must stop spending money that we just don't have. Historic debt leads to historic tax increases, which stifle job growth.”
Source : "Noem Criticizes 'Expensive and Ineffective' Programs". www.mitchellrepublic.com. March 10, 2011.
“I am going to have to stick to the script. If I muck around with the words it will defeat the object.”
“Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“I'm not afraid of IED's, bullets, mortars.”
“You hear stories about me beating my brains out practising, but the truth is, I was enjoying myself. I couldn't wait to get up in the morning, so I could hit balls. When I'm hitting the ball where I want, hard and crisply, it's a joy that very few people experience.”