#Compassion Quotes #Dignity Quotes #Deserve Quotes
“Even one word, or certainly one sentence, should be able to describe the basic characteristic that the scene has, or the character has, or the story has. And then you begin to detail that one spine, and you have offshoots from that spine, and it becomes more and more complex, but all of it stems from that one-word, one-line theme, which can give the character, the scene, or the play its uniqueness.”
“The fault we admit to is seldom the fault we have, but it has a certain relationship to it, a somewhat similar shape, like that of a sleeve to an arm.”
“It's fine to pretend that people are one-dimensional, like in body size; the problem comes when you forget that you are just pretending.”
Source : Source: www.macleans.ca
“That's the great thing about the 'Sin City' movies. Each little slot is incredibly meaningful, and each character has their own moment.”
“Even though I am very tied to and close to my heritage, I learned Spanish in college; I didn't grow up with it. Growing up in South Texas is different from Miami or L.A. where it is a necessity to speak Spanish.”
“The Socialist Party will no longer be running a candidate for president. The Democratic Party is leading this country to Socialism much faster than we could ever hope to.”
“You don't get strength for the load; you get strength from the load.”
“Many people see vulnerability as weakness when it's the only way to truly grow and truly love. Love makes me feel vulnerable. It's like saying, "I'm an open book. Here are my flaws, my strengths, where I fall short, my dreams - and I'm choosing to share them with you."”
Source : Interview with Maranda Pleasant, www.marandapleasantmedia.com.
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