“I've kicked at Notre Dame the past four years, I've been in frigid cold weather, snow. I've kicked at Yankee Stadium in December, so whatever is thrown at me I'm able to do.”
“There is nobody who is not dangerous for someone.”
“It seems like a cultural shift - you see less and less bands coming up and more people leaving.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“I think 9/11 was a couple of thousand ***** in Afghanistan who ran rampant and just kind of did their thing and we could have gotten them in Tora Bora if that was handled better.”
“Human existence is based upon two pillars: Compassion and knowledge. Compassion without knowledge is ineffective; knowledge without compassion is inhuman.”
Source : Victor Frederick Weisskopf, V. Stefan (1998). “Physics and Society: Essays in Honor of Victor Frederick Weisskopf by the International Community of Physicists”, Springer Science & Business Media
“The very first step towards success in any occupation is to become interested in it.”
Source : Sir William Osler, Mark E. Silverman, T. J. Murray, Charles S. Bryan, American College of Physicians--American Society of Internal Medicine (2003). “The Quotable Osler”, p.76, ACP Press
“We were filming the West Wing on the set one day in DC and Madeleine Albright comes by the set. I mean, when does that happen? You turn around and there's the former Secretary of State just sitting there. After the Clinton administration finished we were filming right outside the White House and John Podesta comes walking up while we're out there filming. Just strolling by the set - the former Chief of Staff! Things like that would happen all the time.”
Source : "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd, www.nbcnews.com. February 21, 2016.
“I'd been ill and hadn't trained for a week and I'd been out of the team for three weeks before that, so I wasn't sharp. I got cramp before half-time as well. But I'm not one to make excuses.”