Luigi Cornaro
"Any man who leads the regular and temperate life, not swerving from it in the least degree where his nourishment is concerned, can be but little affected by other disorders or incidental mishaps. Whereas, on the other hand, I truly conclude that disorderly habits of living are those which are fatal." --
Source : LUIGI CORNARO (1915). “The Art of LIVING LONG”
Luigi Cornaro
#Life Quotes
#Men Quotes
#Hands Quotes
“There you have it: an expensive higher education based on sloganeering, on pat, trite phrases that substitute moral posturing for political reasoning. It's elitism masquerading as egalitarianism.”
“An apothecary should never be out of spirits.”
“Don't compare yourself with someone else's version of happy or thin. Accepting yourself burns the most calories.”
Source : Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
“Prosperity or egalitarianism -- you have to choose. I favor freedom -- you never achieve real equality anyway: you simply sacrifice prosperity for an illusion.”
“I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special.”
Source : Robert Harling (1988). “Steel Magnolias”, p.35, Dramatists Play Service Inc
“Our disregard of civic and moral virtue as an educational priority is having a tangible effect on the attitudes, understanding and behavior of large portions of the youth population in the United States today.”
“There's going to be this realm of Platonic forms and then there's going to be this single mind, the 'nous', which grasps them.”
Source : Source: www.abc.net.au
“News represents another form of advertising, not liberal propaganda.”