#Thinking Quotes #Joy Quotes #Lucky Quotes
“I suspect that a lot of studio executives still think of me as 'what's-his-name'.”
Source : "Frankenweenie - Tim Burton interview". Interview with Rob Carnevale, www.indielondon.co.uk.
“Are we friends? or are we foes? ... That kind of thing... You decide... For yourselves!!!”
“In a real estate man's eye, the most expensive part of the city is where he has a house to sell”
Ari Fleischer
Former White House Press Secretary
Dana Perino
Former White House Press Secretary
Edward Thomas
Rick Sanchez
Robert Gibbs
Former White House Press Secretary
Sam Donaldson
Scott McClellan
Former White House Press Secretary
Tony Snow
Former White House Press Secretary
William Randolph Hearst