Source : "'We Want a Solution to the Immigration Problem'". Interview with Markus Feldenkirchen and Ralf Neukirch, September 16, 2016.
#Party Quotes #Political Quotes #Angela Quotes
“I had to force myself not to be overly protective because I had lost one child.”
Source : Louise Bogan, Ruth Limmer (1981). “Journey around my room: the autobiography of Louise Bogan : a mosaic”, Viking Pr
“When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.”
Angela Merkel
Chancellor of Germany
Edmund Stoiber
German Politician
Joachim Gauck
President of Germany
Peer Steinbruck
Former Federal Ministry of Finance (Germany)
Sigmar Gabriel
Former German Federal Minister of the Environment
Wolfgang Schauble
Former Federal Minister of the Interior (Germany)
Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Former Vice-Chancellor of Germany
Thomas de Maiziere
Former Federal Minister of Defence