#Couple Quotes #Gay Quotes #Media Quotes
Source : Source: therumpus.net
Source : William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham's speech on the Excise Bill in the House of Commons (March 1763), as quoted in Lord Brougham "Historical Sketches of Statesmen Who Flourished in the Time of George III, Volume I" (p. 42), 1839.
“It's the reason the United States fell into the Patriot Act - because they were reacting.”
Amy Klobuchar
United States Senator
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
Bill Maher
Elizabeth Warren
United States Senator
George W. Bush
43rd U.S. President
Keith Ellison
U.S. Representative
Mark Dayton
Governor of Minnesota
Michele Bachmann
United States Representative
Norm Coleman
Former United States Senator