#Lying Quotes #People Quotes #Excuse Quotes
“Distrust my wisdom, but regard my truth.”
Source : Maria Gowen Brooks (1834). “Zóphiël: Or, The Bride of Seven”, p.15
“I don't expect people to get me. That would be quite arrogant. I think there are a lot of people out there in the world that nobody gets.”
“The ... challenge of Christmas is this: justice is what happens when all receive a fair share of God's world and only such distributive justice can establish peace on earth.”
“I'm certain, as we filled down the great staircase, that I appeared the same as ever, a moping twelve years-old, all arms and legs. But secretly I knew I had been transformed, moved by the revelation that human beings create art, that to be an artist was to see what others could not.”
“What first stuns the young writer emerging from college is that there is no clear-cut road for him to travel on. He must chop a path in the wilderness of his own soul, a disheartening process, lifelong and lonesome and therefore, of what use graduate work?”
“I agree with O'Toole that custom and comfort are impediments to change. However, it is important to recognize that resistance to change is logical as well. The new "change masters" literature seems to take change as the norm. It isn't. Humans naturally see change as risky because it is risky, just as mutations in genes are mostly destructive. You would not want to go to work were everything changed every week! The phone system, the office assignments, who reports to who, and the whole set of job expectations.”
“If you run for election with a particular agenda about saving jobs, about strengthening manufacturing and farming jobs, about tackling predatory gambling and making governments accountable, if there's an opportunity to achieve that agenda with either side of politics, particularly if you come from the political centre, then it's an opportunity you should take up.”
Source : Source: www.abc.net.au
“America has much to gain in terms of jobs and trade by meeting the growing world demand for advanced, environmentally sound technologies.”
Thomas Steven Molnar Philosopher