“So you've taken to spying on her. It must be love.”
“Never put off till tomorrow the book you can read today.”
“Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines.”
“Whereas science elicits changes in order to know, technology knows in order to elicit changes.”
“I like unformed characters. This may be because, no matter how old I get, I am still unformed myself.”
Source : Akira Kurosawa (2011). “Something Like An Autobiography”, p.129, Vintage
“Nowadays we raise our children in a cocoon of domesticated security, far from any sense of risk or adventure.”
“You are an incredible child of God having a dream that you are a human being on a tiny planet in the middle of nowhere.”
Source : Drunvalo Melchizedek (2003). “Living in the Heart: How to Enter Into the Sacred Space Within the Heart”, p.103, Light Technology Publishing
“Should a reasonable person not demand that philosophy should not be foolishly purveyed before people incompetent to see the point of it, as pearls before swine? For Nietzsche is utterly correct: philosophy is only for the healthy and whole-minded, the sick it has always only made even sicker. By means of philosophy they dig themselves even deeper into their pathetic delusions.”