“Young children were sooner allured by love, than driven by beating, to attain good learning.”
Source : 'The Schoolmaster' (1570) preface
“Often times, music is used to evoke an emotion and it's become a cliche, so I don't want to do that, and actually what I do, is that emotional intensity that has developed throughout the film, I allow it to get released by having that music at the end with the credits.”
“Basicly I'm in charge of all creative aspects of the show.”
“I think I have a really good work ethic.”
Source : "Q&A with Ashlyn Harris, Washington Freedom's Newest Goalkeeper". Interview with Kat Galsim, bleacherreport.com. June 9, 2010.
“It is rather shocking to note that opposition leaders, who are representatives of the wananchi (citizens), are themselves rejecting the participation of the wananchi in this major public issue.”
Source : "Karume gives condition for meeting Seif". The Guardian, May 20, 2008.
“I don't impose political responsibilities on my fiction. The last thing I would ever want to do, for example, is write a novel that would appear to want to tell people what to think about the immigration debate, and I would never write a novel whose sole ambition was to give a "positive" view of immigrants. I'm for open borders, by the way - down with the nation state!”
Source : Source: therumpus.net
“Yeah, I thought I could be heavyweight champion of the world when I was working with Ali and Joe Frazier and Earnie Shavers and all those guys. Because they were older than me and I was doing my thing.”
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart...”