Source : "'Burn Notice's' spy guy". Interview with Maureen Ryan, July 1, 2008.
#Fighting Quotes #People Quotes #Honor Quotes
“What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.”
“Luxurious kings are to their people lost, They live like drones, upon the public cost.”
“No morality can be founded on authority, even if the authority were divine.”
“True beauty could be discovered only by one who mentally complete the incomplete.”
Source : Kakuzo Okakura (2008). “The Book of Tea”, p.95, Applewood Books
“Boxing is the toughest and loneliest sport in the world.”
Source : "Q: Did you feel suicidal before you were sectioned? A: Nah, I'm not that brave or clever. I wouldn't know how to tie a rope, know what I mean?". The Guardian Interview, October 23, 2005.
Amy Ryan
Film actress
Bruce Campbell
Film actor
Coby Bell
Gabrielle Anwar
Joe Berlinger
Documentary maker
John Malkovich
Sharon Gless
Film actress
Tricia Helfer
Matt Nix