#People Quotes #Administration Quotes #Spokespeople Quotes
“The most persistent threat to freedom, to the rights of Americans, is fear.”
“Quirky is what a guy would call a girl he doesn't understand.”
Source : "Kat Dennings is Weird". Interview with Lauren Bans, www.gq.com. October 28, 2011.
“I believe the moral losses of expediency always far outweigh the temporary gains.”
Source : Dee Hock, VISA International (1999). “Birth of the Chaordic Age”, p.73, Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Chelsea Clinton
Henry Cisneros
Former United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Hillary Clinton
Former United States Secretary of State
Janet Reno
United States Attorney General
Madeleine Albright
Former United States Secretary of State
Mark Emmert
Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. President
William J. Clinton
42nd U.S. President
Julio Frenk