#Jobs Quotes #Thinking Quotes #Important Quotes
“Death Is only the easy way out if you are the one who dies.”
Source : "Raising the volume" by John F. Dickerson and Karen Tumulty, www.cnn.com. March 15, 2004.
“I've always had an aversion to looking sexy, but I've grown out of it.”
“Faking your own death is illegal, yet faking your own life is celebrated”
“Often, the human animal dresses terror in rage, and expresses both in a way unlike either.”
Source : Julius Lester (2005). “The Autobiography of God: A Novel”, p.27, Macmillan
Angela Merkel
Chancellor of Germany
Boris Johnson
Mayor of London
David Cameron
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Donald Trump
Margaret Thatcher
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Nigel Farage
British Politician
William Hague
British Politician
Yvette Cooper
British Politician
Jeremy Corbyn