“The threat to change Senate rules is a raw abuse of power and will destroy the very checks and balances our founding fathers put in place to prevent absolute power by any one branch of government,”
Source : "How Schumer and Dems may have sealed Gorsuch's confirmation" by Alex Diaz, www.foxnews.com. March 19, 2017.
“It's no fun getting older. I might be wearing beautiful diamond earrings, but they can't take away the pain of losing my hearing.”
Source : "Cilla Black blames hearing problems on damage done by acoustics of Liverpool's Cavern Club" by Danny Walker, www.mirror.co.uk. July 23, 2014.
“If you double the number of experiments you do per year you're going to double your inventiveness.”
“The task of the architectural project is to reveal, through the transformation of form, the essence of the surrounding context.”
“You know, if you're at home with children, you lose twenty-five IQ points.”
“The serve really is the key to my game.”
“Of all the pairs the Throne endorsed None rose to burn as bright As Lucifer, the Morning Star, And Lucinda, his Evening Light”
“There was a Socratic style of life (which the Cynics were to imitate), and the Socratic dialogue was an exercise which brought Socrates' interlocutor to put himself in question, to take care of himself, and to make his soul as beautiful and wise as possible.”
Source : "La Philosophie comme manière de vivre: Entretiens avec Jeannie Carlier et Arnold I. Davidson" by Pierre Hadot, Jeannie Carlier, Arnold I. Davidson, Paris: Albin Michel, translated by Michael Chase, (p. 269), 2001.