Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
#Twilight Quotes #Cat Quotes #Years Quotes
“Life is but a web spun of ghosts and dreams and illusions.”
Source : Robert E. Howard (2007). “The Best of Robert E. Howard Volume 1: Volume 1: The Shadow Kingdom”, p.117, Del Rey
“We have the data to prove to men that gender equality is not a zero-sum game, but a win-win.”
“Those who ignore Statistics are condemned to reinvent it.”
Source : "'The Role of Statistics in the Data Revolution?'. International Statistical Review 69: 5-10" by Jerome H. Friedman, April 2001.
“Our ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature.”
David Leonhardt
David Plouffe
Political strategist
Donald Trump
Donna Brazile
Ezra Klein
Gary Johnson
Former Governor of New Mexico
Hillary Clinton
Former United States Secretary of State
Larry Sabato
Political Scientist
Paul Krugman