“Life is an unanswered question, but let's still believe in the dignity and importance of the question.”
“Whatever policy we adopt, there must be an energetic prosecution of it. For this purpose it must be somebody's business to pursue and direct it incessantly.”
Source : William H. Seward's memorandum to President Abraham Lincoln, April 1, 1861.
“The essential component of being a DJ is setting the mood; it's playing to the context. So that if you're not able to adapt from one context to another, then you're not a DJ.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“I think what bothers me so much of the time, is they take the data and theory and distort it. They must know they're distorting.”
Source : "PROFILE / EUGENIE SCOTT / Berkeley scientist leads fight to stop teaching of creationism" by Monica Lam, www.sfgate.com. February 7, 2003.
“Societies create their own history and tend to wipe out lowly beginnings, either by forgetting them or inventing totally fictitious heroic rescues.”
“I so rarely have the chance to field-test anything. Amelie is so conservative about these things -Myrnin”
“Someone could be amazing at what they do, but if you don't like them, why bother hiring them?”
Source : Interview with Bob Morris, bobmorris.biz. June 28, 2011.
“People are the least creative when fighting the clock... Time pressure stifles creativity because people can't deeply engage with the problem.”