#Coffee Quotes #Thinking Quotes #Views Quotes
“Art is the expression of the profoundest thoughts in the simplest way.”
“Man has an innate capacity for violence, but can only justify it in the name of justice.”
“We are witnessing a great awakening. Millions of Texans, millions of Americans are rising up to reclaim our country, to defend liberty and to restore the Constitution.”
“I don't see any need to unduly burden the taxpayer.”
“Fear may come true that which one is afraid of.”
“In Oxford before the war, I had, with this interest in mind, written a short textbook entitled, An Introduction to Economic Analysis and Policy. It was now my intention to rewrite this work.”
“I still to this day get the most inspiration from rap lyrics.”
Source : "Biography / Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“Life passes into pages if it passes into anything,”
James Freeman Clarke Author
Bernard Holland