“All persecution is a sign of fear; for if we did not fear the power of an opinion different from our own, we should not mind others holding it.”
Source : Phyllis Bottome (1998). “The Mortal Storm”, p.189, Northwestern University Press
“Good care is taken that each state shall have its prisons . . . and other asylums; but not one building is erected nor one law enforced that would teach the people how not to contribute to these over-crowded receptacles of human misery . . . . All of our politicians are ready to deal with the effects, but not one of them is brave enough to penetrate the substratum of society and deal with the cause.”
“Mother love is invariably held sacred, as it should be, but why has father love never had its due?”
Source : Mabel Osgood Wright (1901). “The garden of a commuter's wife”
“I don't despair about the cultural scene in Australia because there isn't one to despair about.”
“Anything that can create balance in dogs is great. If veterinarians can give you the solution and give you why this is causing the behavior, of course. Anything that is good for an animal, let's do it.”
“I need to be more under control. I need to calm down a little bit so I can cut down on the little silly errors I get.”
“What sort of personality does one need to have, as a twenty-first-century mechanic, to tolerate the layers of electronic bullshit that get piled on top of machines?”
Source : Matthew Crawford (2010). “The Case for Working with Your Hands: Or Why Office Work is Bad for Us and Fixing Things Feels Good”, p.12, Penguin UK
“The sick soon come to understand that they live in a different world from that of the well and that the two cannot communicate.”