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#Care Quotes #I Don't Care Quotes #Don't Care Quotes
“Naturally, I mine my girlfriends lives for good anecdotes and stories - so many of their experiences find their way into my books.”
“As a performer, I don't like to play the same thing over and over. I like to play it and let it go and move on. That's also why television hasn't really been something that I've done.”
“Listen, my father had written. Listen to hear if they are telling the truth or only part of the truth, for that is the lesson of history: that the victors tell the tale of their triumph in a manner to grant accolades to themselves and heap blame upon their rivals. Ask yourself if part of the story is being withheld by design or ignorance.”
“Tilapia have often been represented as the aquatic chicken, and it's perfectly justified.”
“Human beings cannot live without stories.”
“I wanted to play roles which offered new ways of viewing black women and black people in general- and I have done that. And I have always, whether I needed to pay the rent or not, I've always turned down roles which I thought were stereotypical. And so when I look at my body of work in that respect, I am really happy. Because I feel my work does say something positive and that was what I always set out to do.”
“Nobody would stay interested in me if I was normal”
“I would suggest that excellence occurs in direct proportion to necessary suffering, but in inverse proportion to unnecessary suffering or toxic stress. Connection is the best antidote to unnecessary suffering.”
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Kazimir Malevich Painter
Marc Chagall Artist