#Ideas Quotes #Mind Quotes #Something New Quotes
“Not all of our work is dark, but when we are working on a dark project, we really tend to go there.”
“Honesty is not necessarily interesting. I don't want to hear about your dreams or your acid trips, probably unless you make them really interesting.”
“Nothing is less predictable than the development of an active scientific field.”
“Where is automatism in the work of Chirico or Tanguy? Even Dali had to renounce it in order to be able to organize the space of the canvas according to the combined laws of dreams and pictorial aesthetics.”
Source : Source: therumpus.net
“Good and evil do not exist for me any more. The fear of evil is merely a mass projection here and on Earth.”
“Shakin' like a bowl of soup and make your body loop-de-loop.”
“The artist must be in his work as God is in creation, invisible and all-powerful; one must sense him everywhere but never see him.”
“Freedom is completely without meaning unless it is related to necessity, unless it represents victory over necessity.”
Alex Timbers Writer