“Black Americans make up 10 or 11% of the population, but they account now for something of 40 to 45% of all the abortions. This is a privileged position that I'm not sure anyone in their right mind would aspire to.”
“In nature there's no blemish but the mind. None can be called deformed but the unkind.”
“Virtue, without the graces, is like a rich diamond unpolished--it hardly looks better than a common pebble; but when the hand of the master rubs off the roughness, and forms the sides into a thousand brilliant surfaces, it is then that we acknowledge its worth, admire its beauty, and long to wear it in our bosoms.”
“Ultimately, any type of discipline is flawed because it keeps the person who is being disciplined inept. As long as the experience is happening to you, while it is imposed on you, it is not your dream. When discipline is administered externally, the participant is dependent on the administrator of the discipline. When discipline is administered internally, the athlete becomes a victim of the structure of the discipline. Either way, only the discipline, not the dream, is being pursued.”
“It is with great regret that my marriage to Grant is ending after more than six years. He is a special man and we have two amazing children together Ruby, 5, and son Rocco, 3. This was a mutual decision that was not taken lightly and we are committed to our children and will work together to ensure their happy and healthy upbringing.”
Source : "Jillian Barberie Splits from Grant Reynolds" by Sarah Michaud, people.com. March 15, 2013.
“The New Deal never rethought the draconian racist immigration restriction policies of the 20s, of course, but its electoral base rested significantly on "ethnic" voters, whose activism was both hemmed in and rewarded by the Democrats. Southern and Eastern Europeans were included as secondary leaders of the new industrial unions, and as entitled citizens qualified for social security, unemployment compensation, and fair labor standards protections, even as workers of color were largely left out of key areas of the welfare state.”
Source : Source: www.counterpunch.org
“I see the shape of the poem before I start writing, and the writing is just the process of arriving at the shape.”
Source : "I still haven't written the best I can" by Rachel Cooke, www.theguardian.com. May 2, 2009.
“It is not what we get. But who we become, what we contribute... that gives meaning to our lives.”